A collection of narrative posters featuring dream-like blurbs and original artwork, donated to the Natick Free Gallery.
A boy in Boston can’t sleep because there’s a chance school will be cancelled tomorrow. He watches the snow swirl under the streetlight and lists all of the best hills to sled on with his brothers. He will wake up first to get the blue sled because the other sleds have no brakes.
Beware the feathered gangs of New York like Stuka dive bombers dropping toxic waste.
They are legion — the number of pigeons in NYC is roughly 4 million. That's about 1 pigeon for every 2 people.
They are legion — the number of pigeons in NYC is roughly 4 million. That's about 1 pigeon for every 2 people.
Dragging the trash cans to the curb last Monday at 1:00 a.m. I saw an animal sniffing at the neighbor’s trash cans. Not a cat and not a dog. When I approached, it looked up and I saw its glowy eyes before it ran off. Beware the trash demon.
Blue Bear never quits. He shows up on time and gets his work done. The boss lets the other bears leave early on Fridays. Blue Bear takes the late bus and gets home at 8:00. He opens the fridge and grabs an ice cold fish. All is well.